SS&C Black Diamond’s Platform Reporting: Holistic and Flexible for Each Client’s Need

Lan Ho – 09/08/2022

Advisors can create valuable connection points with their clients on the SS&C Black Diamond® Wealth Platform through customized Client Reports shared via the Client Portal. The Black Diamond team understands the importance of tailoring the client experience to the individual investor, working to ensure every story resonates with an individual’s personal needs and values. Through holistic and flexible reporting, Black Diamond is expanding the platform’s data offering to include Principal and Income reporting (P&I), Environmental, Social, & Governance (ESG) reporting, and flexible groupings.

  • P&I Reporting
    P&I reporting is crucial to completing an investor’s wealth picture. Whether needed for current-day income balance or future planning conversations, advisors can post Principal and/or Income allocation and balance reports to a client’s personal portal, making the investor experience seamless.
  • ESG Reporting
    Bringing ESG data to the platform helps advisors open the dialogue with their client regarding the invidual’s personal values and how their current investment allocations align. Additionally, having this data in operational areas in the platform, like Data Mining or Rebalancer, helps ensure advisor investment decisions and recommendations align with their investors’ values. Finally, ESG data will soon be available in reports and the portal, creating a compelling story of how a client personally influenced change in the world through their investments.
  • Flexible Groupings
    Conventionally, groupings provide a detailed view of investment allocation and performance for an investor’s portfolio. However, with the rise of personalized investment decisions and advisors having a unique and creative way of viewing the world, reporting levels must reflect the individuality of both. Therefore, Black Diamond is adding flexible groupings across all reporting topics, allowing advisors to define custom reporting tags for Relationship, Portfolio, Account & Asset levels. Advisors can then leverage these tags within groupings to create the narrative they want to share with their clients. These new groupings will be available across all reporting areas for a consistent advisor and investor experience.

In conclusion, adding new reporting data and flexible groupings empowers advisors to revolutionize how they leverage Black Diamond. As advisor needs and the wealth management landscape change, holistic and flexible reporting will remain top of mind for the Black Diamond team. We look forward to seeing how the expanded reporting aids advisors in creating long-lasting client relationships.

To learn how the Black Diamond Wealth Platform can support your advisory firm, request your personal demo, call 1-800-727-0605, or email